22:50 - Directions?
he made me wonder for my own future. where would i be? what should i be? who should i be? so many questions about the directions in life. but how and what path to take? i have reached the point in your life whereby every step i decide to take has a significant impact on my life. just like a minefield. just with that one wrong step, you'll be blown to bits. probably not that fatal but to a certain waste of time and/or money.
anyway, my degree is in its works (class starting tomorrow.. uhhh), and my current corporate communications position is giving me enough learning and exposure to my field of interest. but should i be satisfied? am i doing enough? tomorrow is always a big question.
i will ponder over this. but have you had your's today? not milk but pondering lah.
no self quotes- too busy pondering.. hmmnnn.