I was involved in a training accident. I wasn't the casualty. It was a friend of mine. a really nice guy. It happened right in front of my eyes. The hydraulics of the machine went in on him. Crushed his finger. I watched them drove him off as I picked up the blood stained dressings he left behind. And the pool of dark red blood I will never forget as I kicked sand to cover it up.
The experience is painful. To watch your friend in pain and not do much. I hate that feeling. He needed nine stiches.
Here's the question: What's the total strength of 8 rows of men, 2 blanks files, 5 man behind, 2 prowlers on duty, 3 on medical appointment, 2 endorsing letter and 1 attending C. Ha!
Its 35. Forget it. the day has ended. and I completed Metal Slug X.
If I was writing this a month ago, I would have already proofread this post countless times. thats quite my norm. For your information, I can be highly critical and down to the smallest detail of things. Like my poly mates would name me, 3K- Kiasu (dialet for extra careful), Kiasee (dialet for extra worried) and Kan cheong (dialet for scared that things don't work out). not very healthy traits to have but these habits have followed me since I've grown. And by far the only works that I'm truly happy are works of clear distinctions. I often have to tell myself that there is no such thing as perfection. If everything was perfect, where is the mistake to be learnt?
That probably explains why I'm a "weekend" blogger. My weekdays are spent in camp, and camp isn't the place for me to work on things neither does it give me time to be critical. So I work on weekends. But I spend too much time on wanting to do big and nice. anyway, being too critical really turns people off. People like my baby. It's a bad habit she would say.
So let this third post be a declaration of NO to critical work. NO to plastic posts. YES to more posts! Begone extra critical mind.
Someone who thinks simple junction box sounds intellectual instead of technical.
Someone who thinks that clouds are very expressive;
Someone who wants to know more about God;
Someone who not only seeks for the good things in life;
Someone who is in constant pursuit of happiness;
Someone who seeks not to be judgemental;
Someone who thinks that communication is the most important element between people;
Someone who wants to express his creativity;
Someone who loves brown and hates the nights;
Someone who is himself;
And that is me. :)